June 22, 2023 Information Box

Hull Redevelopment Authority Information Box as published in The Hull Times on 6/22/23

What's in a Plan? The HRA Planning Initiative

 The urban renewal plan being prepared by the HRA for its properties along Nantasket Avenue isn't a way to avoid rules, regulations, or town approvals. It will be just the opposite.

 When finished, the plan will contain special use designations, rules, and procedures that future improvements and the HRA must follow. They will be more specific and more restrictive than the zoning that applies to the area, specifying a smaller range of uses and scale of potential development. It will also establish where the uses, design, and dimensions of future development should be flexible, and where they won't be.

 Once established through town boards and state approvals, the plan becomes official. It becomes a directive to the HRA stating what they can and should do. And any major change, such as changing the allowed and intended uses, can't be made without getting separate approvals by those same town boards and the state.

 This is why your input is so important in setting up the directions, expectations, and rules that will guide the future of this area of Hull.

 Keep an eye out for the HRA's explanation of, and invitation to get and stay involved in, the planning process in the Hull Times Summer Guide, and on the HRA website at hra02045.com.



July 13, 2023 Information Box


June 8, 2023 Information Box