Urban Redevelopment Plan

Following the most recent Requests for Proposals for the development of HRA land and the subsequent decision to decline the proposals, the HRA decided to pursue the option of redeveloping the land under a new Urban Redevelopment Plan (URP). This method allows the HRA to have more control over interactions and negotiations with developers, which allows the HRA and the town more control over what happens to the land.   

After creating a draft URP, the HRA submitted it to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for preliminary review in July of 2021. This review was comprehensive and very helpful. One of the things it encouraged was more specificity as to the HRA’s and town’s vision for the redevelopment. In response, the HRA has held meetings with potential developers in order to hear their ideas for the development of the property. Based on these meetings, the HRA has been clarifying its draft vision for the property.   

The HRA hopes to have this stage of the draft Urban Renewal Plan completed in spring of 2022 in preparation for open meetings with the Select Board and the Planning Board. Once the Select Board, Planning Board and HRA refine their collaborative draft vision for the property, the HRA will proceed to public meetings/forums, led by a professional facilitator, to present the plan to the town and receive feedback from its residents. The HRA will be submitting updates to The Hull Times throughout the upcoming months.  


February 7, 2022 Press Release


HRA Forgives Balance of Paragon Carousel Loan