Kathleen Wolf: Tower Replica / Art & Community Space


The posting of citizen submissions does not reflect the HRA’s approval of a suggestion. Items are posted as submitted, without editing by the HRA.

[First email]

I was at the Town Meeting this week and was struck by the love that people have for the old water tower.

How does this relate to the HRA land you will ask.

It made me think of the $2,200,000 that is designated for the repair of this structure which I believe has reached it’s expiration date and has a single focused appeal. 

That made me think about what it would be like to put together perhaps an 8 foot replica of it along with its detailed history and install these in a structure that could be both a community center and a tourist destination.

A structure that could be built in a manner that would be conservation/environmentally conscious on the HRA land.

I would love to see that 2 million dollars plus be refocused on celebration of the tower with a different trajectory.

I did so like many of the other suggestions and I believe that a consolidation of those are what would work so well for the HRA land.

A Ferris wheel perhaps, picnic tables and trees and walkways yes, a gazebo for outdoor presentations yes, transportation buses to welcome tourists from the Greenbush Line, the Boat and other parking places for out of town parking. Wooden walkways yes, bike bath development yes, shaded areas yes, food truck and venue potential yes…….and so on with the other community focused suggestions.

But my thoughts also went to the talk about how the artist community has spent years trying to get an art space developed.  I would love to see a combined Art space, both for work and teaching and display/exhibits, a music venue space/theater possibly, a museum space and a environmental informational educational space, and a tourist information center so that we are sure to support the Life Saving Museum etc.(and the trolly taking people up to the LSM etc.).….all in one building at the start of the town (A Green Building I hope….in the long run a money saver.) 

And a celebration of the Old Water Tower in that community/tourist space.

I believe that Hull could create a truly invigorating and inviting destination.

Perhaps there is potential for this?  

Last thought:  a Hull resident was just sharing with me about a town in Maine that just created a presentation space using a majority of volunteer labor etc..  How creative can we be in developing a new potential for our town……….

[Second email]

I already sent in a write-up on thoughts I had about the HRA Land.

I did not include submission guidelines because there is no way that I think that I have the specific answers to those questions.

The guidelines require further focus and research by professionals.

I would like to say that I believe that a couple of my ideas could benefit the town of Hull by making sure, if we do keep this land as community space - both for tourists and Hull citizens - that it is important to have support for other Hull entities be part of the plan.

And satellite parking, for example, could also be town wide transportation to other venues (LSM etc.).

And my idea about the Tower situation is probably unrealistic since it would require a new focus and vote about this issue.  But to me it makes so much sense that I felt compelled to throw it out there.  Three million dollars could be so impactful/empowering.

Lastly, all the focus on transportation, I believe, needs to be flexible as climate impacts us and laws change.


Lisa French: Public Recreation Space


Jodi Lewis: Community Space