Scott Plympton: Open Space / Community Center


The posting of citizen submissions does not reflect the HRA’s approval of a suggestion. Items are posted as submitted, without editing by the HRA.

Greetings HRA,

Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion and vision.  I'm not sure that I will be able to provide you with parcel numbers, so I will do my best to describe my thoughts for the best use of the land.

1) All property that lies to the south of Doc Bergen's house, and the paved MDC parking lot is of the highest value to Open Space.  My vision would not include condos, hotels, and convention centers.  It would be to preserve what we currently have.  Any improvements to these parcels would be in line with permeable surfaces, lawns, and limited landscaping.  I very much like the idea of a hatch shell or space that could be used as a focus point for concerts, gatherings, entertainment, even a non-permanent drive-in movie theater.  I would place this hatch shell in what is called the commons area, or behind the fencing.  Maximum open space preserved, but flexible enough for generating income via carnivals, events, concerts, etc.   This implies that that a certain portion of the space must be used for temporary parking.

2)  I am not completely opposed to development.  The parcels north of Doc Bergen's are the best places where the HRA can meet its objectives of urban renewal.  For example, if you must honor your commitment to lost housing, build a condo that is no larger than the 70 or so houses that were lost.  However, it is my opinion that that you will never be able to increase tax revenue to the town by adding more housing, as the services required (fire, police, schools, sanitation) will offset the revenue.   Instead of building more housing, build a community center, something that all the people of Hull will use, not just something for the developers.  We have hotels, another is not wanted.  We don't need a convention center.  And we don't need a rotary at Edgewater Rd. so that traffic can support maximum development.


Scott Plympton


Jodi Lewis: Community Space


Lenny Capone: Hatch Shell